Sometimes in life
a. you want things to work out a certain way
b. you completely ignore the fact that what your are going to do is a really bad idea
but that doesn't mean that
a. you can escape impending doom
b. your friends weren't right
for example this last weekend at Bear lake I
a. nobly
b. idiotically
c. bravely
d. tragically
set out to slide across a patch of ice to reach the uncharted Rich Island.
The stakes were
a. high
b. certain failure with no redeeming upside
but I chose to press on.
As I started to slide across the ice, which represents
a. the impossible odds we face at times
b. the unbearably thin foundations of our life expectations
c. just a really bad idea
,the earth shook and I started to break through the ice. At the time all I could think about was
a. how badly I wanted to make it to Rich Island
b. how I was in great danger
c. nothing. Do you think someone who tries to slide across a sheet of ice that is less than 1/16th of an inch thick ice to make it to a chunk of ice that is less than 1/2 inch thick is thinking at all?
This thought, however, quickly vanished as the freezing dark water, which represents
a. the world stripped of its glossy cover
b. a shock back to reality
c. the natural consequence of a ridiculously bad idea
,enveloped my body. Cold, wet, and
a. disoriented
b. inexplicably giddy
c. wait, yes cold and wet pretty much cover it,
I plodded my way back to the shore. (Feel free to insert some shore analogy here)
I guess it just goes to show that even when you
a. do things that are incomprehensibly mindless
b. risk it all for
i. no explicable reason
ii. a great prize
such as try to slide for Rich island
you can end up
a. looking cold, wet, and foolish
b. looking freezing, drenched, and, well, foolish
c. just being really wet and cold.
Quick shout out for all my friends who made it up to Bear Lake- That was one of the most fun weekends I can remember! Good work team.
On other news

I found out this week that I got into Cornell's Applied Economics program! I wasn't offered any funding, but I'm so excited about getting in. It is a huge deal form me. It has been awesome to be able to share the news with friends and family. I was especially excited to tell my dad.
For some reason one of the things I want to do most is go rub this in Mrs. Cunniff's face. Back during my Junior year in HS I signed up for AP English Lit. The problem was that I hadn't taken Honors English the year before. The teacher was convinced that students who did not take Honors their Sophomore were much too inept to survive AP Lit. When I added the class, she told me that I was unlikely to get better than a C- in the class. I had read the summer readings, and was quite an avid reader anyways, so I figured she was just blowing steam and told her that I'd be fine. For the next two weeks I sat in the front row and looked at her with beaming eyes each day. My presence was obviously an eyesore for Mrs. Cunniff. Each day she glared at me with a stare would make death itself cower in fear. After two weeks she could take it no longer. When class ended she pulled me aside and told me that I was in the wrong class, that I wasn't prepared for the work and would not pass the class if I stayed in. During our conversation she even had the audacity to ask me if she was using too big of words for me to comprehend, snidely remarking that "sometimes people like [me] have a hard time understanding the words [she] uses." I decided that there was zero reason to stay in a class with a lady with such a clear vendetta against me, so I transfered classes. But, ooh, did she make my blood boil.
Am I still a bit bitter about the situation? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. I can see it now. Me walking into the class room while Mrs. Cunniff is teaching, interupting the class to announce "Hey Mrs. Cuniff, remember how told me I was too dense for a high school AP English class? Well, I just got into a graduate program at Cornell. You know its one of those Ivy League universities on the east coast, just in case the word Cornell was a bit difficult for you to comprehend. How do you like them apples?!?"
Well that just about wraps up this blog post. I am tinkering with the idea of putting a song of the week here. Since I am going to an Andrew Bird concert this wed, I think this weeks song will be Andrew Bird-Armchair Apocrypha: Imitosis
link to cite with song, right click it and save as target once you get there
Nice work.
ReplyDeleteOn relating your attempted traverse to Rich Island to life's journey and on getting into Cornell.
Both are equally impressive. ;)
If you do actually decide to go rub this in Mrs. Cuniff's face, I'd fix the grammar errors in your blog... ;)